Book in to see one of our friendly Optometrists
We have several Optometrists, two of whom are TPA accredited and as such can dispense additional medication for the treatment of certain eye health conditions.





Zeiss OCT
The OCT retinal scanner is fast becoming the gold standard in ocular health care. Vivian Optometrists was the first practice in Taranaki to acquire this instrument. It uses infra-red and a scanning laser to image deep in to the retinal tissue, enabling us to detect conditions such as glaucoma and macular degeneration at a much earlier stage than ever before.

Widefield true colour retinal camera
This instrument uses a laser microscope to photograph the retina at the back of the eye. It greatly enhances the image quality and gives a three times wider field of view than conventional retinal cameras. This helps in the detection and monitoring of ocular health disorders.

Corneal Topography
The topographer is used to measure the corneal shape in great detail. This helps us detect and monitor genetic corneal diseases, injuries and health disorders. It is also invaluable in pre and post Laser eye treatment assessment, and in complex hard RGP lens fitting.

Medmont visual field screener
A field screener is used to map your peripheral field of vision and detect any constrictions or areas of reduced visual sensitivity. This is important in neurological disorders that may affect the optic nerve or the brain.